Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Prosperumc   -  

Wednesday, December 13, 2023:

Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.

Read: Malachi 2:10-3:1

Malachi gets the last word in the Old Testament before John the Baptist and Jesus come into the picture. Dulled by their long waiting for a Savior, the Israelites forgot God, pushing Him to the “back of the bus” of their days rather than letting Him drive it. Their time, thoughts, and actions prioritized personal wants, desires, and needs. We can do likewise. We can tire of waiting on the Lord and push forward, depending on our individual powers to achieve our wants and goals or to get a painful situation behind us.

Malachi spoke to shake the people awake. He calls the people – and us – to turn back to the Lord; to remember His words; to wait, listen, and watch for God for direction; to seek His Presence and trust He will respond.

Be still and Reflect:

  • How is God calling you to think differently today?
  • How is God re-ordering your heart’s affections to a new attitude?
  • What is God calling you to do differently as you go about your day?

Pray: Loving God, sometimes Your Word can make me squirm, especially when I recognize the places, large or small, where I failed to seek Your face or follow Your counsel and guidance. Forgive me where I have separated myself from You or compartmentalized my relationship with You from how I live day-to-day. Thank you for staying with me and pursuing me. Let Your love and words shape my day ahead. And if You’re not there in it, I won’t budge or move forward because I want to live as one with You. By the power of Your Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ, Amen.