Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.
Read: Genesis 26:16-18 Re-digging Wells
Isaac dug again the wells of water
that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham.
(Genesis 26:18, NRSV)
Nepotism and disagreements contaminated the wells of purpose and joy I once experienced in the organization I served for ten years. Expecting things to change was hopeless. So, rather than remaining in the company that now stagnated my spirit, I looked for another job. Almost immediately, God opened the door to a group where once again I flourished.
Isaac faced a similar decision. The Philistines were not going to stop trying to compromise his good fortune and the favor he found in the eyes of the Lord. Yet rather than argue about the contaminated wells or contest his right to remain, Isaac departed in peace. He went to the valley of Gerar, where he settled and reopened wells once dug there by his father.
Be still and Reflect: In what areas of your life are your spiritual wells of living water being contaminated or clogged? What intentional steps can you take to restore the wellspring of God’s love and truths within you?
Pray: Father-God, no matter the contentions I see around me, help me to keep my cool and place it all at your feet. Search me and empower me to take necessary and intentional steps to restore any contaminated wells of faith and obey Your ways. Guide me to be a person of peace who lives in harmony with others. Enable me to dig wells of unstoppable love, joy, peace, and faith. In the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.