Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.
Read: James 4:1-10 Wisdom
Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from?
Do you think they just happen? Think again.
They come because you want your own way,
and fight for it deep inside yourselves.
(James 4:1, The Message)
Early in our marriage in the middle of a heated discussion over a now long-forgotten, insignificant issue, I declared, “If you would just agree with me, we wouldn’t have to continue this debate!” After a pregnant pause, we both burst out laughing. We realized that once again we fell into the trap of two stubborn first-borns digging in our heels to have our way.
Biblical scholars often refer to the book of James as the New Testament book of wisdom. Today’s passage in James reflects what Solomon taught us about wisdom in Proverbs 1 – the abundantly flourishing life comes when we start with God first and walk humbly with Him. When going about our days, we would be wise to heed Eugene Peterson’s interpretation of James 4:10 in the Message: “Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.”
Be still and Reflect: Look ahead at your coming day(s). Where do you anticipate conflict or disagreement. How might the situation or conversation go differently if you first seek God’s wisdom about handling such situations?
Pray: Merciful and loving God, Forgive me for putting my way and my wants first. Work Your will into me always so that I might humbly serve You and give You all the glory. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ in me, Amen.