February 23, 2024
February 23, 2024
Read. Be Still. Pause. Pray
Read: Haggai: 2-1-9; 20-23
Be Still: The Christmas Eve Candlelight services are my favorite services of the year. The truth is my love for candles is evident in almost every setting. They bring about a sense of comfort and peace to any room.
At the close of our 11:00am Sunday worship service, the acolyte carries the beautiful light from the sanctuary to signify the light going out into the world. We who call ourselves Jesus followers are also called to carry the light in our daily lives. A light that guides, illuminates, and comforts continually.
Today’s Old Testament reading is not a book I typically read, yet in my reading another passage, I was led to read the prophet. I was grateful to find new meaning in what I read – and I celebrated how God’s word is always new.
Haggai encourages the remnant of people who had returned from captivity in Babylon to build a new temple. The ones who remembered the beauty and splendor of Solomon’s temple were disappointed in the simplicity of the new temple and felt they should wait until they had more resources for a more appropriate building. Through Haggai, God tells the people, “Be strong and work for I am with you.” In a second message, God declares that everything is His and “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house.”
As we carry the light into the world and become God’s hands and feet here on earth, God guides us on this remarkable journey encouraging us and offering blessings to us along the way. God’s presence rests upon our commitment to Him. Consider the many ways you carry the light throughout the day. How can you deepen your effectiveness and relationship with God knowing this truth.
Consider this, if you are enjoying the Practice the Pause daily devotionals, I invite you to share the link with someone else today, encouraging and offering them a blessing along the way. You never know what the light of Christ may ignite within them.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the many opportunities to be the hands who carry your light in our lives to share with others in the world. Amen.
Have a beautiful weekend.
I hope to see you Sunday, because when you are not in church, you are missed.
Pastor Kellie