Friday, February 16, 2024
Read: John 19:23-25
Seamlessly Woven
They also took his tunic;
now the tunic was seamless,
woven in one piece from the top.
(John 9:23, NRSVUE)
In the moments preceding Christ’s crucifixion, the soldiers divided His garments among themselves. Yet, they could not tear one item — his tunic. This tunic, woven in one piece without seam or broken thread, was considered valuable and significant.
Like the tunics worn by the high priests (Exodus 28:40-42), this seamlessly woven garment serves as a powerful metaphor for the unity and wholeness found in Christ, our High Priest (Hebrews 2:17). Just as the tunic remained whole and undivided, so is the unity of purpose and completeness of Christ’s redemptive work on the cross for all humanity.
All believers are bound together through our shared faith in Christ. The body of Christ, the Church, is diverse yet unified—a beautiful tapestry woven together by his love and sacrifice. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus provided a path for us to be reconciled with God, uniting us as one body. Regardless of differences, we are the threads of a seamless tunic, interwoven without division.
Be still and Reflect: How does the image of Christ’s seamless tunic prompt you to think and act differently today? How does it call you to reorder your affections about another who is different or at odds with you?
Pray: Almighty and loving Father, Impress upon my heart the symbol of Jesus’s seamless garment. Use it to remind me of the completeness, perfection, and unifying love found only in Your Son. Alert me and encourage me to lay aside anything in my life or of this world that threatens to drive a wedge in the connection between me and You. Where there is division, help me to weave unity; where there is discord, show me ways that lead to harmony; and where broken threads of relationships exist, help me mend them into one seamless tunic of love. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
By His Grace,