Friday, February 2, 2024 Say Yes to the Dance
Read: 2 Samuel 6:12-16 Say Yes to the Dance
David danced before the Lord with all his might.
(2 Samuel 6:14, NRSVUE)
When King David recovered the Ark of the Covenant and returned it to Jerusalem, he rejoiced with what we might describe as a lot of breakdancing – that street dance that requires intricate and acrobatic moves such as windmills, head spins, leaps and kicks, and body flips around the floor. David worshipped and praised God with his spontaneous dance. And he did it with all his might.
Yet, his wife, Michal, despised him for it. She failed to understand David’s ecstatic enthusiasm about the Ark, which signified God’s presence. Her concern about how he looked foolish prevented her from joining in the joy of the moment.
Be still and Reflect: How does this passage illustrate the importance of public worship and celebration in the life of a believer? How and when do you dance for God?
Pray: Lord God, I thank You for the gift of worship and the opportunity to celebrate Your presence in my life. Help me to approach worship with reverence and joy, just as David did when he danced before the Ark of the Covenant. Let me never take for granted the privilege of gathering with others to praise Your name and give thanks for Your blessings and mighty deeds. Help me to be more like David, who unashamedly expressed his love for You publicly. May I always be willing to dance before You, even when others may not understand. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.