March 11, 2024 – Drawing Near
Read: Luke 19:36-44 Jesus Drew Near and Wept
And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it,
saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day
the things that make for peace!
But now they are hidden from your eyes.
(Luke 19: 41-42, ESV)
As we enter the fourth week of Lent and the cross comes into view, let’s consider what it means to draw near. As Jesus drew near Jerusalem, he was moved to tears. He wept, not because of his own fate, but because of the fate of the city. The people had not recognized that their anticipated Messiah was the person Jesus. Blinded by personal expectations and desires, they did not see they had been visited by God.
Though the crowd welcomed Jesus with shouts of “Hosanna,” the people failed to see Christ as God’s open invitation to inner and eternal peace, joy, and hope. For Jerusalem it was now too late. The city’s ruin was at hand because they rejected God’s messenger, His Son. God drew near, but the people withdrew from Him.
As Jesus draws near to his second coming, do you think he weeps over what he sees in this world? Does he weep over the nations yet filled with unbelievers? Does he weep for those who remain at war within themselves and for leaders and nations who find themselves at war with one another? Does he weep for those who seek freedom from oppression and poverty? And for those who seek answers in all the wrong places?
Be Still and Reflect: What does this story tell us about our human nature? How often do we, like the people in Jerusalem, miss God’s presence and invitation in our lives because we focus first on our own expectations and desires?
Pray: Gracious Lord, as we journey through this Lenten season and draw nearer to the cross, we weep for this tumultuous world that longs for peace; we weep for those who do not yet realize that the hope and peace they seek can be found only in Jesus Christ. We weep for ourselves where we miss our Savior’s presence and Your saving grace.
Merciful God, forgive us for the times we fail to draw near to You, distracted by the noise of personal ambitions and desires. May we not miss the divine invitation You extend to us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Grant us the wisdom to embrace Your love and guidance, so that we may experience the transformation only Your nearness can bring. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
By His Grace,