March 27, 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024:
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.
Read: Matthew 25:31-46 A Passion for Mercy and Justice
Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth:
Whenever you did one of these things to someone
overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’
(Matthew 25:40, Message)
Late one evening, Rev. Dr. Tom Shipp, founder of Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, left his office headed to an important meeting. In the hallway a man with an obvious alcohol problem approached him and asked for help. Shipp hurriedly told the man to come to his office the next morning and he would see what he could do. Shipp then quickly moved on to make that next appointment.
That night the police called. A man had shot himself. He left a suicide note addressed to Dr. Tom Shipp. It read,
“I won’t need help tomorrow morning. I needed it today.”
We can understand, can’t we, how hard it is to just stop every time someone comes and interrupts our schedule. Think about how often Jesus was interrupted…children climbing all over his lap, the beggars and sick calling to him on his way to the temple, those seeking recognition for their uprightness, or those in need of counsel for growing their faith. Yet, as we thumb through Scripture stories, we cannot find a place where Jesus ever put anyone off.
Throughout life to his final breath, Jesus’ priority and passion were to bring grace, mercy, and justice to the least and lost.
Be still and Reflect: When was a time that you overlooked or ignored Christ by overlooking or ignoring the need of another? How does the story of Rev. Dr. Tom Shipp’s encounter challenge you to think and approach today differently?
Pray: Heavenly Father, I come before you with a humble heart. Grant me the wisdom and compassion to see beyond my own plans and to recognize the urgency in the cries for help from those seeking mercy and justice. Help me always to remain alert and respond with grace for those otherwise overlooked or ignored. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
By His Grace,