August 29, 2024 No Comparison
Thursday, August 29, 2024
No Comparison
Turning his head, Peter noticed the disciple Jesus loved following right behind.
When Peter noticed him, he asked Jesus,
“Master, what’s going to happen to him?”
Jesus said, “If I want him to live until I come again, what’s that to you?
You—follow me.”
John 21:20-23 The Message
Jesus came to the disciples for the final time before his ascension. He appeared on the shore of Galilee to multiply their catch of fish, fix them breakfast, and commission Peter to serve His followers. Taking Peter aside, Jesus then hinted to him the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God and ended with the command, “Follow me.”
I can appreciate Peter’s response. He noticed John nearby and asked, “But, what about him?” Was Peter jealous? Was he still walking on tenuous ground with Jesus, wondering if Jesus thought John loved him more than Peter did or would do more with his life to glorify God than Peter would? Was he concerned that the beloved disciple might receive a better reward or an easier assignment?
Whatever was going through Peter’s mind, our dear impulsive Peter, like so many of us, had fallen into the trap of comparisons. Peter was ready to compare his life and future to that of the apostle John. Our human nature to compare ourselves to others can be born out of conscious or unconscious doubt … doubt that God knows what He’s doing as He leads us, or doubt that we measure up as well as another. Either way, such doubt breeds discontent, which robs us of our joy.
The only answer to our question, “What about them?” is to focus on Jesus’ simple command: “Follow me.” Follow him wherever he calls us, needs us, and with whatever he equips us. Following him is all he asks. That is enough because in his eyes, we are enough.
Be Still and Reflect: How often do you find yourself comparing your life, abilities, accomplishments, or calling to others? How does this comparison impact your joy and contentment in following Jesus?
Pray: Gracious Lord, help me resist the temptation of comparison and instead focus on following you wholeheartedly. Remind me and enable me to trust in your perfect plan for my life and to find joy in serving you wherever you lead. I know in your eyes, that is enough. In the name of Jesus, who modeled the way and simply said, “Follow me.” Amen.
By His Grace,
Gloria Ashby
Lay Leader