September 13, 2024 Go In the Strength You Have
Go in the Strength You Have
Go in the strength you have…
Am I not sending you?
Judges 6:14, NRSV
When I was asked to:
…teach Bible study,
…move to a new and unfamiliar work role,
…lead a larger business unit,
…speak at a women’s conference,
…write an article for a magazine, or
…step in as Lay Leader for the church,
I felt ill-equipped but compelled to accept. I did so with a dose of delight in the new adventure and a dash of dread spawned by fear of failure. Aren’t those feelings what we often experience when faced with a task larger than our current “pay grade” or which rests outside the boundaries of our comfort zone?
However, each time I chose to move forward in the strength, abilities, and experience I had up to that moment, I discovered that God provided the rest of whatever I needed to fulfill the assignment. That irresistible, gnawing urge to say “yes” was God’s Holy Spirit deliberately pointing me in the direction towards His purpose for me. It was never easy, but always growing, rewarding, and expanding in mind, body, and spirit.
Winston Churchill said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” In Christ, I have learned to squelch my tendency to pessimism or to stop at the “what if’s.” I am learning to grow as a God-trusting optimist, especially when compelled by His Holy Spirit.
Reflect: Reflect on a time when you felt compelled to take on a task or responsibility that seemed beyond your abilities or comfort zone. How did you navigate through feelings of inadequacy or fear? What did you learn about relying on God’s strength in such situations? How is God calling you to think differently about an opportunity?
Prayer: Lord, in moments of doubt and uncertainty, help me to trust in Your guiding hand. Teach me to recognize Your Holy Spirit at work within me, leading me to opportunities that draw me closer to Your purpose for my life. And grant me courage to step forward, even when I feel ill-equipped or fearful. In the name of Your Son, Amen.
By His Grace,
Gloria Ashby
Lay Leader