Unwrapping Advent: Through Voices of Wisdom Dec 8

Pastorkellie   -  

Sunday, December 8, 2024
Day 8
A Different Kind of Peace
Greek: eirene

Peace of mind; inner tranquility.
the absence of turmoil, chaos, or restlessness; completeness, soundness, and
well-being of the total person;
the hope, trust, and quiet in mind and soul
that is brought by a reconciliation with God.

As the candle is kindled this week, embrace peace. Amid the chaos and busyness this season can bring, this flame represents the peace that Christ brings. May it illuminate your soul and lead you to inner peace.

Pray: Holy God, You are the one who gives peace. In this season, cause me to remember that because of Jesus, I can celebrate and experience Christmas free from turmoil and chaos. You are the one who offers a peace that surpasses all understanding. Keep me in perfect peace and my mind focused on you during this Advent season. Amen.