February 11, 2025 Stay Curious

Gloria Ashby   -  

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025

Staying Curious

“Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7 (NIV)

Do you remember what childlike curiosity is like? Our daughter texted this picture to me.  Our two granddaughters had hoisted themselves up the washer’s side and atop the dryer to uncover the mystery behind how soiled clothes became clean.

For twenty minutes they remained mesmerized by the filling water, the agitating drum, and the spin cycle. Afterwards they asked more “how” and “what if” questions before they fully satisfied their curiosity. Especially the oldest. She’s the 10-year-old whose parents bought her a kid’s Alexa to preserve their sanity from daily interruptions in search of some fact or detail she wanted to know or them to look up “right now!”

Curiosity is a gift given to children; one we can lose as we mature. Yet, Jesus teaches us to seek, ask, and knock. Learning is a lifelong pursuit. He invites us especially to engage with him in that journey of exploration and discovery about the nature and ways of God.

Instead of Jesus telling us to sit and wait for answers, He encourages our active pursuit of truth. This is the heart of curiosity—asking questions, seeking deeper understanding, and knocking on doors that can lead us to new revelations. As we grow in faith, we’re not called to have all the answers. We’re called to remain open, willing to learn, and eager to explore the depths of God’s wisdom and ways. To study His Word, inquire of God, and experiencing how He is moving – and wants us to move – in His creation.

Like my granddaughters, we need not hesitate to ask questions, especially the hard questions of life. Jesus promises those who ask receive, those who seek find, and for those who knock, doors open. Our why, what, where, when, and how’s bring us closer to God. Only through our curiosity and questions will we discover more of God’s purpose and plan for our lives.

Reflect: What question or curiosity has been on your heart—perhaps something in your spiritual life, relationships, or even a scripture passage you don’t fully understand? Where might God be calling you to reignite a sense of curiosity and wonder? To ask and seek until you find?

Pray: Heavenly Father, Thank You for this gift of curiosity. Help me to never lose the wonder that draws me closer to You. Open my heart to ask bold questions, trusting that You will provide wisdom and guidance in Your perfect timing. Give me the courage to seek You in every area of my life, knowing that You will guide me to find the doorways to Your truths. The ones on which I can knock, confident that You always readily open them to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By His Grace,
Gloria Ashby
Lay Leader