February 26, 2025 Frozen Expectations

Gloria Ashby   -  

February 26, 2025

“Frozen Expectations”

When he finished teaching, he said to Simon, “Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch.” Simon said, “Master, we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I’ll let out the nets.” It was no sooner said than done—a huge haul of fish, straining the nets past capacity. They waved to their partners in the other boat to come help them. They filled both boats, nearly swamping them with the catch.”
Luke 5:4-7

This past Saturday, our family participated in The Town of Prosper’s Annual Fishing Derby – a two hour kids’ fishing competition at The Pond at Frontier Park. My wife and I hyped this event up with our kids, picking out their fishing equipment last week, and even practicing in our local ponds. The big day had finally arrived, and we were expecting to catch at least a few of the 3,500 stocked rainbow trout in the pond…

What we didn’t expect was ice. Everywhere.

The air horn blared, signaling the start of the competition. Hudson’s well-practiced cast performed as expected – the lure sailed through the air toward the deeper center of the pond, right where the fish likely were. And then CRACK! His bobber crash-landed on what could only be described as an iceberg, floating in the center of the pond. Meanwhile, Hazel’s pink lure and matching bobber went sliding over the top of the ice, like a speed skater in the Winter Olympics.

“It’s going to be a long, cold morning,” I thought.

But soon, the kids’ friends arrived, and they started having fun. I helped them set up their fishing gear, and the Prosper High School Fishing Coach shared a few pointers with the kids. Hudson, especially, sat with intense patience and interest, waiting for a bite.

We didn’t catch anything over the course of the two hour competition – “not even a minnow”, as Eugene Peterson’s The Message translation of today’s scripture passage says. After a night of similar fishing luck, the disciples expected empty nets, but Jesus had a greater plan. That morning at the pond, we also arrived with our own expectations, but God had something better in mind: strengthened friendships, perseverance, and a moment of mentorship. Maybe His greatest blessings come when we let go of our expectations and trust His plan instead.

Reflection: Think of a time when you were disappointed by unmet expectations—what unexpected blessings did God provide instead?

How can you trust God’s plans, even when they don’t unfold the way you hoped?

Pray: Gracious God, thank You for the unexpected ways You bless us, even when our plans don’t go as we imagined. Help us to recognize the gifts hidden in what feels like an empty net and to trust that Your provision is always enough. Teach us patience, faith, and the joy of embracing Your perfect timing. Amen.

With faith, hope, and love,

Eric Smith