Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Wednesday, October 4, 2023:
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.
Read: Matthew 9:2-8
Because “some unnamed people,” who trusted and had faith in the God-given authority of Jesus, carried a paralyzed man to him, the paralytic was healed physically and spiritually. Some witnesses were filled with awe and glorified God; others felt threatened and denied Christ’s authority as the Son of Man.
Be still and Reflect: When have you been a “stretcher-bearer” to bring another before Christ? What stops you from being His “stretcher-bearer?” Who needs His healing power today that you can pray for? Or to whom you can offer an act of kindness or compassion?
Pray: Lord God, great Physician over body, mind, and soul, let me never weary of taking time in my day to lift and carry the sick, the hurting, and the marginalized into Your Presence. Empower me as Your stretcher-bearer to carry them to You in my prayers and deeds. Strengthen me as the hands and feet of Jesus to bring wholeness to the broken through my words and service. And to You, Lord, I give all the glory as the One and Only source of all healing because without You, I get nowhere fast. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.