Thursday, November 9, 2023

Prosperumc   -  

Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.

Read: Luke 10:38-42

I always learn something new about me when reading the story of Mary and Martha, primarily because I find myself relating to both women more and more. It is important to note that the names, Martha, and Mary can easily be changed to Mike and Mark because the story is not relatable just to women. We are a culture that holds in high esteem productivity. We tell stories of our own productivity and success, and we certainly love to hear about the success of others. We often equate productivity and success with busyness, the busier we are the better we become. I certainly prefer to be doing something productive instead of sitting idle, but the older I get, there is a greater awareness and need for me to find a healthy balance. Afterall, when God created the world, the first six days he was busy, busy, busy, then on the seventh day, He takes time away from the busyness to rest.

Be Still: We have a long way to go in this world before we embrace the need to rest. While Martha’s work needs to be done, our work should not become another god of our every waking moment. Being aware of God’s movement in the world and in our lives, requires sabbath, a pausing, to connect with who we are and those we love. Sabbath calls us to slow the wheels of constant production to sit with the God who woos us. I encourage you to take an extra five or ten minutes for yourself this week, put down the work to sit with Jesus.

Pray: God of creation, I am sorry for the ways that I place my worth and success with how busy I am throughout the week. May I seek better ways to find balance between constant busyness and resting in your presence. Amen