Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Prosperumc   -  

Tuesday, December 5, 2023:

Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.

Read: Micah 4:5-13

Advent begins with a call to get ready – ready not just for the celebration of Jesus’ birth but for his return when all will be restored as God intended. While the waiting can seem long and painful, Micah calls us to get ready for that future time when God establishes his kingdom of justice and peace on earth, when people live in harmony and security. Until then, our preparation and readiness depends on our watching out…watching out for when we let the world shape how we deal with God rather than letting God shape how we deal with the world.

Be still and Reflect: How are you heeding the call to get ready for Christ’s return? What do you need to do or do differently to honor and glorify God in your day to day life?

Pray: Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your faithfulness and look forward to Christ’s return. During this season of waiting, give me a fresh encounter with the  Advent story. Spur me to get ready for that coming day by living differently than the world might dictate and more like Christ. Help me to deepen my relationship with You and to gladly serve wherever called. In the name of Your Son, who came and will come again. Amen.