Thursday, December 14, 2023

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Thursday, December 14, 2023:

Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.

Read: Philippians 3:7-11

At least once per week city sanitation workers come to pick up and take away our tossed trash – things broken, empty, and no longer usable or needed. That is what Paul did with all his credentials and personal priorities. He tossed them all as unproductive, meaningless “rubbish” when compared to building a relationship with Christ. Paul prioritized knowing his Lord and his resurrection power.

Be still and Reflect: What are you willing to toss as “rubbish” this season of Advent to make room for knowing Christ at a deeper, more intimate level?

Pray: Lord Jesus, I have lots of possessions, good deeds, and recognitions. Yet, they are all meaningless “rubbish” without you. I lay them down for you. I long for you – the only one who can truly fill and satisfy me in an everlasting way. I yearn to spend time with you, to hear your words, and to know your ways. Help me to experience your resurrection power anew so that I might walk in that newness of life in the days and years ahead. Come, Lord Jesus, and fill me again. Through the power of your Holy Spirit within me, Amen.