Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Wednesday, December 27, 2023:
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.
Read: 1 Samuel 1:1-18
“Elevate your savings…and your dreams.”
This advertisement on the back of a financial magazine pictured a man reaching the summit. The message drove home the cultural belief that bigger savings accounts can buy bigger dreams.
As I’ve grown older – and worked for a financial company – I’ve grown to understand that realizing my dreams and deepest desires of my heart do not hinge upon me finding a way to elevate my savings account.
No amount of money could buy Hannah, beloved wife of Elkanah, her dream for a child. Hannah’s desperation became so great that she elevated it into a vow. If God would give her a child, she would dedicate the child to God. God gave her Samuel, and Hannah gave Samuel back to God, who used Samuel in a mighty way in His redemption plan for all humankind.
Be still and Reflect: What is your biggest dream or deepest heart’s desire? What might your dedicating it to God for His plans and purposes look like?
Pray: Merciful and loving God, look upon my pain and sorrow and remember me. If You give me the desires of my heart, I will lay them at Your feet and dedicate them to You for Your purposes. And if these dreams are not Your will, and You have something different and better for me, then give me that instead. By the power of Your Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ in me, Amen.