February 28, 2024

Gloria Ashby   -  

Read: Ephesians 2:11-16 Shalom – When Opposites Attract

For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both into one
and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us,…
[so] that he might create in himself one new humanity
in place of the two, thus making peace.
Ephesians 2:15-16, NRSV)

Our lasting friendship began as adversaries. She stood her ground on one side of the question; I held firm on the other. She was the hospital finance director; I was the social worker. As two opposites, we locked horns in a discussion.

Discussion comes from the Latin word meaning “to dash to pieces, agitate, or shake apart.” It’s the same root for the word discus, the heavy round object that athletes hurl with all their might for distance to stand on the winner’s podium.

With increasing determination, we each hurled our thoughts back and forth trying to dash to pieces the other’s position.  Then, pregnant pause. Deep breaths later, we began again but this time in dialogue.

Dialogue comes from two Latin words – dia, meaning “across” – and logos, meaning “words or reason.” Dialogue calls for deep listening to one another, asking questions back and forth, and seeking sincere understanding of another’s point of view.

The result: a third option and shared answer surfaced. My friend and I moved forward in shalom-like peace and with a unified approach we both supported.

The Hebrew word shalom has deeper meaning than just peace. Shalom translates as not only the absence of war, but also as peace that comes with wholeness or the joining together of two opposites in harmonious unity. Per today’s scripture, our peace is a person – Jesus. Our promised peace is, therefore, not based on our circumstances, but on us choosing and being bound together in an intimate relationship with Christ.

Be Still and Reflect: How does this biblical understanding of shalom-peace contribute to your finding peace and wholeness both within and with others? In what circumstances are you seeking this harmonious peace?

Pray: Gracious God, I needed the reminder that I will find shalom-peace and wholeness only through my reconciliation and unity in Christ. Grant me the wisdom to understand the depth of the peace that comes from being whole in You. Guide me on a journey towards deeper shalom, both within myself and in my relationships. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

By His Grace,