March 20, 2024
March 20, 2024
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray.
Read: Acts 2: 11-21
Be Still: There are times during the midmorning of my workdays when I often take a moment to refocus on the day ahead: sometimes I take a deep reflective breath, or I glance out the window, I stand up and stretch, to give thanks to God, think of an encouraging thought, say a short prayer or grab book and read a short devo. What I’ve discovered is great wisdom comes in pausing. When I have the awareness to step away from work for a moment, I can see the gift of what is before me. A short, refreshing pause can enhance the growing awareness that all work whatever it is, has the potential of becoming love made visible—a blessing not only to myself but to others.
And Acts 2: 11-21 Tells us it was in the middle of the morning when the Holy Spirit came upon the waiting disciples with gifts of courage and boldness for their new ministry in a birthing church. For this reason, the apostolic church commemorated the joyful coming of the Spirit during the midmorning hour of Terce. I think at this hour of the day we are still energetic – we are rejuvenated after a night’s sleep and are ready for the day.
To pause during the day to proclaim that we dwell in possibilities. Reminds us that the opportunities of the day are numberless. Amid all these possibilities, then, we try to be aware of the Spirit’s abiding presence. For this awareness to bear fruit we need to be able, at times, to stop what we are doing and remember who we are. To pause for a few minutes, when our day is already in full swing, requires trust.
The purpose of the midmorning pause, is a call to mindfulness. When your internal spirit mingles with the Spirit, and you become transformed into a temple of God. The house of God that you are gives a home to your mind, heart, soul, and spirit. It needs renewal. It needs affirmation and blessing. This is your real workplace. Dwell there in silence that you may absorb the wonderful gifts of inspiration that moment for you.
In the pause, prepare your heart for God’s presence. As you invite the breath of the Holy Spirit into even deeper places of your being. Each day, we long for constant renewal and strength to be present so that as we go through the day, our love will be obvious in all we do. Our presence, and the work we’ve done on ourselves, will then be a blessing for all. And in some small way it will benefit the whole world.
This little morning recess is a gift to yourself—Be gracious with yourself and be grateful that you remembered to pause. Keep in mind all the people you will see throughout the day. Make love and joy your guest for this day and the days ahead. Living with this kind of attentiveness takes practice but celebrate how delightful it is to be a known or even an unknown blessing in someone’s life – because you gave this gift to yourself.[1]
Prayer: Loving God, thank you for the gentle nudges that remind us to pause to sit in your presence each day. Your loving care helps give us the energy and peace to get through the tasks of the day and for this, we are grateful. Amen.
Have a great day!
Pastor Kellie
[1] Wiederkehr, Macrina. (p. 78). Ave Maria Press. Kindle Edition.