February 28, 2025 The Value of Today
Friday, February 28, 2025
Numbering Our Days: The Value of Today*
“Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
Dr. Leslie Weatherhead calculated the average length of a life using the hours of a 24-hour, one day period to illustrate the importance of recognizing the value of time. He concluded that…
if your age is 15, the time is 10:25 a.m.
If your age is 20, the time is 11:34.
If your age is 25, the time is 12:42 p.m.
If you’re 30, the time is 1:51.
If you’re 35, the time is 3:00.
If you’re 40 the time is 4:08.
At age 45, the time is 5:15.
If you’re 50, the time is 6:25.
By age 55, the time is 7:24.
If you’re 60, the time is 8:42.
If you’re 65, the time is 9:51.
And if you’re 70 the time is 11 p.m.*
Life is filled with opportunities, but the question is what we do with them. Do we let them slip by, saying, “Maybe next time. There is always another day”? Or do we seize them? We may not have as much time as we think.
We are the Lord’s servants who He invested in through the sacrifice of His Son. We are to take whatever time, resources, gifts and talents He has given us and use them for His glory.
The apostle Paul often referred to himself as a doulos, the Greek word used for someone who had been freed by their master yet still chose to serve out of love. That is who we are as followers of Jesus Christ. Christ paid an incredible debt for us. He pardoned us. He forgave us our past, present, and future sins. And now we should become his voluntary servants, not because we have to but because we want to – because we love him.
We recognize that God has instilled certain things in our lives He wants us to use for His glory. Certain gifts. Certain talents. Certain resources. Everything. So seize the day. Seize the moment. Seize the opportunities God gives you. Don’t put it off too long, because we may not have as much time as we think.
Reflect: What time is it for you? How are you using the time, resources, and opportunities God has given you to serve Him and bring Him glory? What might you need to stop delaying in order to honor Him today?
Pray: Lord, You have given me this precious gift of time, and I do not want to waste it. Teach me to number my days and to live each moment for Your glory. Help me recognize and seize the opportunities You place before me with faith and purpose so that I may joyfully serve You with all I have. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
By His Grace,
Gloria Ashby
Lay Leader
*Pastor Greg Laurie, accessed online in Christianity Today, December 28, 2024.