Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund was established in 2014 to provide for the future of Prosper United Methodist Church’s charitable, educational and spiritual undertakings, as well as for the care of its facilities.
The program may receive permanent gifts from individuals and organizations, but only the earnings are distributed. The donor, therefore, has the assurance that the gift will be a lasting contribution to the Church.
Those who give to the Endowment Fund are doing so to give thanks to God for blessings bestowed, express their devotion to Christ and His Church, and honor loved ones whose lives have been an inspiration.

Why This Fund is Important
• Simple financial vehicle and process to make donating easier
• A meaningful way for members to leave a lasting legacy or tribute
• Cultivates a giving environment
• Builds a sense of permanence in what we do
• Funds are strategically directed by PUMC Endowment Committee