Prosper UMC Partners

October 10, 2023

We are looking for caring adults who are willing to develop a relationship with new members. The requirements of a Prosper UMC Partners are flexible, the heart of the commitment is in a willingness to walk alongside new members as they explore new ways of deepening their faith and engaging in the life of the church.

We are asking Prosper UMC Partners to:

  • Pray for the new members.

  • Contact the new member twice a month for the first four months after joining.

    • Connecting with new members means reaching out with a text message, phone call, an invitation to get coffee, or another way acceptable to both parties. The goal is to let the new member know that you are present to walk alongside them.

  • Attend worship together a couple of times then consider having lunch afterwards.

  • Serve together in an area of ministry within the church such as: children or youth, outreach, hospitality, worship, or attend a choir rehearsal.

If you are interested in serving as a Prosper UMC Partner, email Pastor Kellie.