Job Openings

Nursery Staff

Prosper UMC is seeking additional Nursery Staff to provide a safe, secure, nurturing, clean and efficient care to our children. Ministry responsibilities include playing with the children or directing their play, reading to them, praying for the children, exhibiting Christ-like patience and love, and relating the events of the day to the lesson and theme in words the children can understand.

Facility Manager

The Facilities Manager will oversee the management and operations of all the physical facilities of the church. Provide oversight and responsibility for the buildings, grounds, parking lots, equipment, building systems, general security, and housekeeping, ensuring the facilities are fully operational, safe, clean and neat, and prepared for services and ministry activities.
Oversee and perform maintenance/repairs for the church building, equipment (HVAC, electrical, plumbing, mechanical) and property, or act as church representative with outside contractors and inspectors coming onto the property or into the building.