Wednesday, October 11, 2023
October 11, 2023
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.
Read: John 11: 45 – 57
Just prior to this reading we witness a powerful display of God’s resurrection power through the raising of Lazarus. Yet, there was push back from the religious authority who responded with fear and plotted to kill Jesus instead of embracing the miracle. This passage is an important reminder about the human tendency to resist change. We prefer to hold onto our own power, control, and beliefs instead of opening our minds to think outside of our comfortable box. We may cling to familiar routines, traditions and power fearing the unknown and the potential disruption it may bring. But God calls us to step out of our comfortable places even if it challenges our preconceived notions or requires us to loosen the grip of our own control.
Be Still: How often do you find yourself resisting change? If you find yourself putting up barriers to avoid or welcome change, how can you, welcome grace and celebrate all that God has done and continues to do, even when it challenges you to step out of comfort zone?
Prayer: Holy God, show me the ways to overcome my fear of change and my desire to hold control in my hands. Open my heart and mind to the transformative power of your grace and love in my life. Thank you for loving me even when I think my way is the best. Amen