Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Tuesday, December 19, 2023:
Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.
Read: Psalm 130
My career plan to teach came to a screeching halt. In the last semester of my last year in college, my internship experience raised serious doubts that I was meant to teach in a classroom setting. While I never taught in public schools, the degree did set me up with skills to fulfill the passion that evolved – leading Bible studies.
My march up the corporate ladder suffered a setback when a vice-president rejected my bid for a director role in favor of another. Six months later that setback turned out to be a set up for another opportunity that fit me to a “T.”
Setbacks can be setups. God is always at work. He will use setbacks to set us up for something better and that gets us to where He wants to use us for His kingdom purposes. Like Moses’ whose exile to the desert prepared him to lead the chosen people out of Egypt and through the wilderness. Or like David, who ran from Saul for 17 years before fulfilling his anointing as the next Israelite king and one after God’s heart.
Even the nation Israel suffered setbacks. When God fell silent for 400 years, His chosen believed He turned His back and forgot them. But God did not forget. He was at work, using those years to silently braid together circumstances and events until the stage was set to send the Savior they longed for.
Be still and Reflect: How do these stories encourage your heart, strengthen your mind, and embolden your faith as you wait to see what the Lord is doing? How do they restore your hope in His love and His coming again?
Pray: O Lord, hear my voice. My soul waits and watches for You, who is always at work. Amid suffering and setbacks, I endeavor to press forward because I know that You go before me and walk with me. I place all my hope in You only for the way through and out. Thank you, Lord, for sending Your only Son to redeem us, and for Your Holy Spirit to guide us. Until the Lord comes again, I give You all the glory and honor, Amen.