May 20, 2024 What is this Power We Have to Give?

Gloria Ashby   -  

Monday, May 20, 2024:

Pause. Pray. Read. Be still. Write. Pray. Go about your day or turn in for the night.

Read:  Acts 3:1-8, What is This Power We Have to Give?

Peter and John stared at him. Peter said, “Look at us!”  So the man gazed at them, expecting to receive something from them.
Peter said, “I don’t have any money, but I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, rise up and walk!” Then he grasped the man’s right hand and raised him up. At once his feet and ankles became strong.
Jumping up, he began to walk around. He entered the temple with them, walking, leaping, and praising God.
(Acts 3:1-8 CEB)

Who knew that a butterfly referred to a brokerage trade and not just a fluttering insect in my garden? What did I get myself into when I accepted the offer to join a financial investment organization after working 25+ years in healthcare as a social worker? Could there be two more opposite career fields?

Within six months, though, I was dealing with all the emotional, relational, and operational fallout of one manager needing a heart/lung transplant, another diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, one associate facing divorce, and another grappling with a pornography addiction, not to mention department heads trying to cope with a change in executive leadership.

The Lord did not call me to this place for my brokerage wisdom – thank heaven because I had none. Instead, He had equipped me with counseling and conflict management skills and healthcare experience. And when I needed more, He supernaturally empowered me with the most crucial ingredient: Jesus and the very present Holy Spirit that dwelled within me since I committed to follow Christ.

My breath prayers to Jesus multiplied. He answered through the Holy Spirit who enabled me with the right thoughts, words, and leadership at the right time with the right people. The Acts 3 story became one of my life narratives.

The Lord never asks us to give of what we don’t have but only of what we do. Even in the most unusual, unexpected places. Whatever we lack, He fills in the gaps. Where we end, He begins. Through the power of His Holy Spirit in us, He completes us so we can complete His assignments.

Be still and Reflect: Take time to list those abilities, skills, and experiences with which the Lord has equipped and empowered you. How has He called you to partner with Him where He is at work, using those abilities, skills, and experiences? Or where is He calling you to do so and trust His Holy Spirit to take care of any gaps?

Pray: Gracious and giving Lord Jesus, Grant me wisdom to recognize what abilities, skills, and experiences I have been given, the willingness to use them wherever You call me, and the boldness and courage to do so in Your name. By the grace of God, I pray. Amen.

By His Grace,