May 8, 2024

Gloria Ashby   -  

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Read: John 15:4-6 What Enables the Work?

Remain in me, and I will remain in you.
A branch can’t produce fruit by itself but must remain in the vine.
Likewise, you can’t produce fruit unless you remain in me.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you,
then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can’t do anything.
If you don’t remain in me, you will be like a branch that is thrown out and dries up.
Those branches are gathered up, thrown into a fire, and burned.
John 15:4-6, CEB

In this powerful analogy of the vine and branches, Jesus clearly communicates what enables us to complete the work God gives us to do in a way that brings glory to God and impacts all those He places in our care.

Our ability to bear good fruit is not dependent on our own efforts or abilities but on our dependence on God. Just as branches draw nourishment and life from the vine, we draw our strength and vitality from our union with Christ. Apart from Him, we can do nothing of lasting significance nor bring any glory to God.

Glorifying God happens only to the extent that we bear good fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) in our daily thoughts, words, and activities. And bearing good fruit happens only to the extent that we abide in Christ – that is, we remain intimately connected to Jesus. When we bear this fruit, we reflect the character of Christ, draw others into relationship with Him, and thus bring glory to our Heavenly Father.

Reflect: In what areas of your life are you bearing good fruit and thus glorifying God? Where do you sense the need for refinement in order to bear more fruit for God’s glory?

Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of abiding in You and bearing fruit for Your glory. May Your Spirit work within me, shaping me into a vessel that reflects Your character and helps my life become a testimony to Your transforming power and grace. Through Jesus’ name and for Your glory, I pray, Amen.

By His Grace,

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