Unwrapping Advent: Through Voices of Wisdom Dec. 31
After today and for the New Year holiday,
Practice the Pause will take a break.
We will return on Monday, January 6, 2025.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Day 31
Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You believe in God; believe also in me.
My Father’s house has many rooms;
if that were not so, would I have told you that
I am going there to prepare a place for you?
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come back and take you to be with me
that you also may be where I am.
John 14:1-3, NIV
Celebrating Advent Year-Round
Despite the fact I dashed from my car in 107-degree Texas heat one summer, Christmas decorations lined three aisles of shelves in Hobby Lobby. As soon as my then seven-year-old spotted them, for the umpteenth time she belted out her favorite Christmas tune we had heard repeatedly over the last six months.
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh, what fun it is to ride…”
“Sweetie, Christmas is over. It’s July,” I reasoned with her. “Why are you still singing those songs?”
“Nooooo, Mommy. I want Christmas all year.” Jessica skipped away, picking up her song where she left off.
She finally stopped singing Christmas carols around the beginning of October. We got a three-week reprieve before Dashing Through the Snow and Away in a Manger again floated down our hallway into the kitchen and den. That was about the time Jessica spotted Christmas needlework and boxes of ornaments lining shelves at Target, next to Halloween costumes and candy.
A parent standing nearby rolled her eyes and voiced my silent complaint, “Christmas comes earlier every year.” I prayed for mercy. But then it dawned on me. Our daughter was right.
Advent is about celebrating Jesus’ coming. The coming of His birthday as well as His coming each day in the Holy Spirit. And His second coming to earth to consummate His kingdom for all eternity.
So, although Christmas day passes, our trees come down, and we store decorations for another year, our rejoicing should not be over. We can remember and celebrate the meaning of Advent every day. Christ came. Christ comes to us each day. And we can anticipate with hope, peace, joy, and love that He is coming again.
With that thought in mind, go ahead. Let’s enjoy Christmas carols year-round. Enjoy them until we can replace them with “hallelujah,” on the day Christ comes again.
Reflect: How can you keep the spirit of Advent alive in your heart throughout the coming year, not just during the Christmas season?
Pray: Lord, help me to celebrate Your presence daily, not just during special seasons. Fill my heart with the joy, hope, and anticipation of Your coming, so I may live each day in the light of Your love. In the name of my Savior and Lord, Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Gloria Ashby
Lay Leader