Solar Panel Project

November 30, 2024

Earlier this year, Administrative Council chose to pursue adding a solar solution to our campus that will have positive implications for decades to come. The Board of Trustees took on the task to process many details, pulling in others with experience and professional wisdom from their career fields, to discern and ultimately select a provider. After many steps to refine the design and gain approval from both the Town and the utility provider, our solar project is finally underway. Monday electrical professionals will be onsite and materials will be delivered. The project is scheduled for completion in late November.

In the picture you’ll see a partial view of the roof above the Youth area. All across the north side of the building, as well as key places above the sanctuary and on the exterior garage, an intricate system for solar generation will begin to be installed. We will keep you in the loop with pictures and tidbits to help bring this project into full view. Interestingly, the vast majority of this system will be unseen by anyone but the birds. And yet, throughout the sunny days, our entire campus could be running completely on solar energy. That sounds like good stewardship to me!

Update: The installation is moving along rather quickly. It won’t be long before we are all set!