April 30, 2024

Pastorkellie   -  

Pause. Read. Reflect. Be Still. Pray.
April 30, 2024 

Read: 1 Corinthians 13:12
We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! (MSG)

Reflect: Yesterday in my devotional I talked about prevenient grace being the grace that woos us into relationship with God. Prevenient grace for United Methodists is also a way of life: At the very core of our teachings, we believe God is present in all, and every person is of sacred worth (Book of Discipline, paragraph 4).

The gift of this life is grounded in scripture, making our Wesleyan way of life, Christ centered. It also requires something from us, a deep humility. We know our faith journey does not start and end with saying a simple prayer, we know it as a lifelong journey toward holiness. We can see a reflection from a mirror, although we are not there yet, we are moving on toward Christian perfection.

The grace we receive is in turn sustained by the means of grace. The means of grace are what we call spiritual practices and sacraments. John Wesley called means the ordinary channels by which Jesus is present in our lives. God chooses to meet with us in certain ways when we read scripture, pray, receive Holy Communion, in our worship and singing, when we feed the hungry, and participate in accountability or small groups.

All these ways contribute to a method for us to not only grow in our discipleship but especially for our growing in grace. Grace helps us to see our own sacred worth, but also, the sacred worth of others. Throughout scripture we are reminded over and over again of the grace and mercy of Jesus, who gave himself for us because he loved us so much.

Mercy and grace are what compel us to find constant avenues to be more loving toward others, friend or foe, God, and neighbor. On our journey to be more loving, the imago Dei becomes more visible in our lives because of our personal commitment to participate in the means. 

Our center, our practice, our focus, and our feast, is Jesus Christ. When we accept the gift of being on a continuous journey illuminated with challenges at times, the beauty is in knowing by being rooted and grounded in grace, we become more faithful in imitating Christ.

     Be Still: How do you celebrate knowing God is present in all people and that every person is of sacred worth. Where do you find God meets you in the means of grace? How do you imitate Christ to others. How can you be better at imitating Christ? Tell someone today they are a person of sacred worth, that God sees them, God loves them, and desires to be in relationship with them.

     Pray: God of us all – thank you for seeing us even when we fall short. We are grateful that your prevenient grace is a way of life for us. May we celebrate and see our own sacred worth, but also, encourage others to do the same. Amen.

we are held,
in God’s love.
Pastor Kellie

Consider this, if you are enjoying the Practice the Pause daily devotionals, I invite you to share the link with someone else today, encouraging and offering them a blessing along the way. Invite them to subscribe (and confirm their subscription.) You never know what the light of Christ may ignite within them.